Year: 2020



Is Pink Eye a Symptom of Coronavirus?

By now we all know we can slow the spread of Coronavirus by avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. There is a lot more you can do to protect yourself and others too. Let us discuss in detail why we need to protect our eyes during…

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Frequently Asked Questions on Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a serious disease. The sad part is that it has no cure and vision loss, cannot be restored. It is the world’s leading cause of blindness. Why? Because it has no symptoms in its early stages. The majority of the people with glaucoma do not know they have it! However, timely diagnosis…

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Glaucoma: The Silent Vision Thief

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness. And yet, once detected, it can be slowed in most cases—sometimes via surgery. The vision that is lost, however, cannot be restored. Most cases of glaucoma develop slowly, with a gradual loss of peripheral (or side) vision. However…

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What are The Tiny Black Spots in My Field of Vision?

Do you know experiencing tiny black spots in your field of vision is a common problem faced by everyone at some point? These tiny spots are known as floaters. Floaters appear like a strand of thread or tiny dots swimming in your field of vision. They are frequently seen in bright light…

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Is Stress Causing Eye Problems?

Are You Stressed? Well, we all are! We often feel physically and mentally stressed. Did you know stress can damage your eyes? Wondering how? When you are extremely stressed or anxious, there is an overproduction of adrenaline in your body, which causes pressure on your eye and results in blurry vision muscular tensions, and headaches….

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20/20 Vision – It’s NOT What You Think!

Having 20/20 vision does not necessarily mean you have perfect vision. 20/20 vision is a term used to express the clarity or sharpness of vision measured at a distance of 20 feet. What Does 20/20 Vision Actually Mean? It means that you can see clearly at 20 feet what should normally be seen at that distance. If you have 20/60 vision, it means that you must be as close as 20 feet…

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